My!!!! Aren't we spoil by the ability to connect with the outside world? So, much to say about this past week and yet the words are so hard to come by. I will try and start with our arrival in Mesdra. Upon arriving we went steight to Danielle's orphange. As far as orphanges go it is very nice. Very clean and well kept. The director and staff were wonderful to work with and very open and happy about Danielle being adopted and hope for other children to get the opertunity to be a part of a family. Danielle is so amazing!!!!!! She is so very antimated. LOL She has an amazing smile and laugh. She has developed many of her own signs and did have a small vocabulary. Her favorite thing to do is color. Although it was mere scribbles, it was beautiful to her and me :o) As you can see in most pictures she very much liked her ring pops. The second day they brought her into town and we walked through Mezdra, which is a very charming and peaceful town. We played for a little while at the play ground. She loved being outside. You could tell she was having a great time. I have great video of our time at the park. It will have to wait until I get home, because I can't download on this computer.
Although the town was sweet, the hotel Rodina was, lets say very unexpected. Poor Toni!!! She felt awful about the hotel. LOL It was dreadful!!! LOL I was happy to just beable to see Danielle each day. I will add pictures of my room. Toni's brother Marty's room I guess was a twin to mine. Try not be be to jealious everyone ;o)
I wish I knew what to say in closing. How do you possibly put into to words the way my heart has been touch these last two weeks by these amazing children God has so graciously blessed our family with. How do I truly express my gratatude, respect and the love I have for Toni and her family and the amazing dedication they have to the children of Bulgaria. I can only hope that one heart will speak to another and my heart will be known. Now to look forward to the days to come and the return to Bulgaria to bring our children home.