Monday, July 27, 2009

I have had a very frustrating day

Problems with our I-800A. As I waited hoping to get approval soon, I did hear from them but, no approval :o( Delays!!!!!! After reviewing our HS they have decided since my sister lives next door to us, they want us to provide interview with home study provider,back ground checks and USCIS finger printing. UGH!!! And they want all cleared document in 45 days. Our back ground checks took a month. Took take forever just to get through the I-800A part of it :o( And next week I will be leaving for Chicago for Eli's cleft surgery and won't be back until the following Monday. Please say a little prayer over our I-800.

}!{ Tracy }!{

Friday, July 24, 2009

Day of Frustration

I don't know how all of you do such an amazing job keeping your blogs. I am not so good :o) I am so ready to get the dossier out of my hands and over to to our facilitator. This hole Hague thing is so confusing to me. I have spend unnecessary money on things. Fingerprints three time and the last one which was 105.00 really won't do us any good since there was no request for the print card and stamp. Another slip up on my part. I am afraid this time around I am going to mess up and cost us more than money, but also valuable time. UGH!!

Monday, July 6, 2009


Tomorrow my honey and I will head to Kansas City Missouri to get our finger printing done. Hoping that it won't take to long to get it back. Originally we got a cancellation letter that was very confusing. It had cancelled in bold and then continued to tell us to appear in Fort Smith Arkansas on July 9th. I called ASC to see what I was suppose to do. I also, ask why we were going to Fort Smith when K.C. was closer to us. She was wonderful!!! She took my number and checked on it. She called K.C. and they said they have an open door policy and to have us bring our letter and they would take care of us. Which is great since they had rescheduled us for July 30. It has take us long to pull this dossier together than any of our adoption. I am sooo ready to get Danielle and Liam home with us.

Saturday, June 6, 2009


Well we finally have our homestudy back and we have sent our I-800A 0ff. YIPEE!! I sure hope that it doesn't take long to get our approval and fingerprint appt. I am sooo reay to give my babies a great big hug.


Our little princess. She is the first girl we have adopted. We have raised three girls. Before now I guess a little girl was just not in Gods plan for us. Now after six boys we are being blessed with sweet little Danielle. We are so very excited about her. I have never done a blog before, so it may take me a while to get the hang of it :o)
Although we are very excited about Danielle, we love our boys and our very happy God is also adding Liam to our family as well.