Saturday, March 20, 2010


Well I got to the airport and my flight was cancelled until tomorrow. UGH!!!!! Now I won't arrive in Sofia until Monday afternoon. Which ruins my first visit. Can't ask Toni anything because she is in bed right now. That gives me four days with Liam & Abigail. I didn't know if they would make me make that fifth day up, so I didn't know what to do except change my returned date and add another Monday. Oh well!!! God must have a reason for the delay


Amber Stephens said...

Yeah, I'm sure its to keep you safe so you make it back to rest of your family. We all would like for you return in one piece please..Love ya mom!

Denise Davis said...

Tracy very excited to know how your trip went :o) HUGS TO ALL
Denise & Gary Davis

Nan and Dan said...

I am so sorry! There is nothing worse than being ready to go and being told to wait!!!!!
Good luck, praying all goes well tomorrow!!

Kelly said...

PICTURES???? WE NEED DETAILS! I am so happy to hear you are there and have already got to visit your kiddos! Praising God! :)