Sunday, November 28, 2010


Just a brief update. We have been home for a little over a week now. This is the first time I have been able to blog an update. The children are beautiful and we are so happy to have them home and the process over. I won't be writing much because it is difficult to do at this point in our adjustment. Liam has a lot of behavior issues that I had hoped he wouldn't. He takes a constant eye. The girls are amazing except for the fear of the family dogs and Abigail is not totally potty trained. Neither is Liam. Danielle will start school tomarrow. She will do great. She is very smart. In a few months they will be very different children. Liam wears me out, but we love him very much. It is not his fault the issues he has. I wish I could close the place down that he and Abigail were in. Here some pictures to enjoy.

Friday, April 2, 2010


My!!!! Aren't we spoil by the ability to connect with the outside world? So, much to say about this past week and yet the words are so hard to come by. I will try and start with our arrival in Mesdra. Upon arriving we went steight to Danielle's orphange. As far as orphanges go it is very nice. Very clean and well kept. The director and staff were wonderful to work with and very open and happy about Danielle being adopted and hope for other children to get the opertunity to be a part of a family. Danielle is so amazing!!!!!! She is so very antimated. LOL She has an amazing smile and laugh. She has developed many of her own signs and did have a small vocabulary. Her favorite thing to do is color. Although it was mere scribbles, it was beautiful to her and me :o) As you can see in most pictures she very much liked her ring pops. The second day they brought her into town and we walked through Mezdra, which is a very charming and peaceful town. We played for a little while at the play ground. She loved being outside. You could tell she was having a great time. I have great video of our time at the park. It will have to wait until I get home, because I can't download on this computer.

Although the town was sweet, the hotel Rodina was, lets say very unexpected. Poor Toni!!! She felt awful about the hotel. LOL It was dreadful!!! LOL I was happy to just beable to see Danielle each day. I will add pictures of my room. Toni's brother Marty's room I guess was a twin to mine. Try not be be to jealious everyone ;o)
I wish I knew what to say in closing. How do you possibly put into to words the way my heart has been touch these last two weeks by these amazing children God has so graciously blessed our family with. How do I truly express my gratatude, respect and the love I have for Toni and her family and the amazing dedication they have to the children of Bulgaria. I can only hope that one heart will speak to another and my heart will be known. Now to look forward to the days to come and the return to Bulgaria to bring our children home.

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Who are now a part of my family :o) I so enjoyed being with Toni, her mom and her sweet puppy kids today. We had a wonderful time together. Her mom fixed us an absolutely wonderful and tasty meal. She is a wonderful cook. Toni was nice to let me share her puppies for the afternoon. Dolly took right up with me. I miss my puppy kids too! My children it goes without saying ;o) Here are some pictures to enjoy of Toni, her mom Zora, Dolly and Ada. I apologize Toni if I spelled any names wrong :o)

Saturday, March 27, 2010


Although I already miss my children, it was a very good day. The weather was perfect for a tour of the city. I wish that I could remember everything the guide told me about the buildings, but I have a lot of trouble retaining those kinds of things :o) Sofia has a very rich history. Here are just a few pictures I took today. All of this is nestled in the middle of the city. Just a few short block from where I stayed, Yet not visiable from any where that we drove pryer to going there today. I very much enjoyed this walk. I will set up a photo album on both group site of all the pictures I took today. I am very excited about tomorrow. I will be spending the day with Toni and her family in her home. Today was great, but there is nothing I love more than spending time with friends and family. And then Monday I get to start my visits with Danielle.

Friday, March 26, 2010


It really stinks!!!! Today was my last visit with Liam and Abigail. It has been a great week of visits. I feel that everything went very well. It was so very hard to say goodbye. Now to look forward to next week and my visit with Danielle. No pictures today. Tomarrow Toni has arranged for me to have a tour of a nicer area of Sofia. I will post pictures of that tomorrow night.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Time with the children is going so quickly. I will try and do a better job today with the writing of my blog :o) Last night was a good example of why you proof read before you publish. Sometimes I type so fast with my two fingures I don't realize how many wrong keys I have hit. LOL!!! Any way, today was a good visit. One thing that touched me was that when we left from our first visit today that Abigail did not want to leave me :o) She also, remembered the sign "more" without me reminding her. Today the three of us played ball. That was a good game to play with them. I think Abigail should be a female wrestler. She sure can pen Liam to the floor. LOL!! I was very excited to be the first one to ride in Toni's new van. She is so proud of it and I am so happy for her. She is an amazing women. When I grow up I want to be just like her :o) And what can I say about Alex? He is one of the sweetest and most thoughtful young men I have ever meet!! An example. The first night I was here I was asking Toni about peanut butter, thinking I would have PB sandwichs for part of my meals. Toni said in Bulgaria there is no peanut butter. While we were at a visit Alex went looking for my peanut butter and found some. When I got in the van Alex said I have a gift for you Tracy! I looked in the sack to find peanut butter. Toni, was shocked she didn't know they had it. Alex could have took that and never thought of it again. That is thoughtfulness. I can only hope that all my boys grow up to be that thoughtful to others. Oh and yes, he brought me avocados also :o)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I do want to back up just a little and share something that I told my children back home I would do :o) These are pictures of my sanctuary. There are pictures colored for my by my grand daughter Lanie, one from my son Eli and Jonas. My grand daughter sent her dragon fly charm for me to hand on to reminding me of her. Not that I need remeind of any of them. But, it is something to touch and hang onto that is theres :o) My son Nicholas wrote me a good night letter to say goodnight to me every night. A bible and baseball metal from Isaac. A letter and running metal from my son Evan and a travel pillow made at VBS by my son Jonas. What sweet kids I have.

More and more I can see just how smart and how much potental Liam and Abigail have. Abigail is plum giddy to see me very time we visit. This afternoon I really got to snuggle and bond with Liam. This morning I was very frustrated because the male social worker that stays in there with us came in and took him right off my lap!! UGH!!!!!!! Well that did it. Liam wanted him then. Toni told him he ruin the magic moment. He said he was sorry he wouldn't do that anymore. I have brought the children peanut butter and cheese crackers every day. Today I signed eat, more and thank you. Abigail picked it up right away. She even signed mother with no problem. This afternoon Liam would sign more. He tired to get it without signing more. I would stay firm and he would do it to get it. They are both very smart. There is much much more that they can learn. At first meeting you would think Abigail to be low functioning. By some habits she has. But, she is not. She is smart. She is potty trained. She did have an accident in her pants and very very upset to be wet. Good sign!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010



I am happy to say that I am here!!!! Arrived Monday at 12:20 and went straight to the orphanage. Was only allowed to stay a half hour. But, it was a good first visit. I was very tired myself any way. I slept for 12 and a half hours. It is now Tues. my first full day of visits. They lets us stay one hour and 15 min. before they made us leave. Both Liam and Abigail are so beautiful!!!! They both greeted me with a hug today. Melted my heart. Abigail is a little more active than Liam and much more effectionate. But, Liam warms up to me more and more each visit. Thankfully I see none of the agression that Shelley's expected son Ryan had. I am very thankfully for that. I did get slaped a couple times. But, it was clear that it was not aggressive. More a matter of not knowing how to show effection in the appropreate manner. Nothing that I feel concerned about. I feel that they are high functioning and that any of the neg. behavior is something they have learn in their enviroment and can be un-learned. The visits are going very well. I did get pictures so enjoy :o)

Saturday, March 20, 2010


Well I got to the airport and my flight was cancelled until tomorrow. UGH!!!!! Now I won't arrive in Sofia until Monday afternoon. Which ruins my first visit. Can't ask Toni anything because she is in bed right now. That gives me four days with Liam & Abigail. I didn't know if they would make me make that fifth day up, so I didn't know what to do except change my returned date and add another Monday. Oh well!!! God must have a reason for the delay

Friday, March 19, 2010


Well. this morning I got an email from Toni and Abigail & Liam both have chickenpox now. But, praise God I will still get to make my visit. I sure hope that everyone is well where Danielle is. I can't believe that in a little over 24 hrs. I will be in the air. Everyone please say a prayer for me to not miss my connection from Germany to Sofia. There is only like 45 min. between flights.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Well, we just finished my trip chain calendar. The kids will tear a link off for everyday I am gone until we are together again. They loved this idea :o)


I am very busy trying to get everything ready to go in a couple days. I can't believe it is almost here. I am so excited to think In a short time now I will be looking into my children's eyes. It felt like this day would never come. My kiddo's, including my grand kiddo's have been bringing me little mementos to hang onto to remember them. Like I could forget any of them.Such sweet things. Nicholas wrote me a goodnight note to read every night before I go to bed to say goodnight. He is such a sweet soul. Isaac gave me his Gideon bible and his ball metal. It will kill me to be away from home so long. But, I just keep my mind on the big prize. I will share my whole sanctuary when I get it set up in my room in Bulgaria.

Monday, March 15, 2010


I can't believe it is finally here. It sounds like Toni has got all my visits set up. Thankfully we are going to be able to see Liam & Abigail. And Toni said the director at Danielle's orphanage sounds very nice and everything is setup for my visit with her. I feel very overwhelmed today though. Money, money, money. Every time I turn around it is needed somewhere else. It will be nice to get away for a few days and forget about it for awhile. My poor hubby won't get that chance. Satan can have his laugh for now. But, we will have the last laugh when God shows him and all of his followers that he will prevail and our children will be out of his grasp along with us.

Friday, March 12, 2010

A Little Bad News & Alot of Good News

Well I got an email from Toni this morning. The bad news is they have had four more children break out with the chickenpox. The good news is that the director has agreed to let us visit Liam & Abigail if you will sign a paper saying that we understand the risk. I will sign anything they want!!!! More good news :o) Toni also picked up our official referral papers. YIPEEE!!!!! I can't believe that in one week I will finally be on my way to see all of them. Never under estimate the power of prayer.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Mega Prayers Needed Today

Well no surprises here. It is a week until I leave for Bulgaria. Toni emailed me yesterday to tell me that she is trying to get my visits setup. The director of Liam and Abigail's orphanage told her that they are under quarantine for chickenpox. UHG!!!!!! It is due to be lifted on March 22. If so my visit will be fine. However if any more children break out in the mean time the quarantine will go another 21 days. UHG!!! Which means they will NOT allow us to visit the children. This will Jeopardize my whole trip. And needless to say cost a ton more money we don't have. All we really do have right now is our faith that God will work it all out. That is where all of our prayer warriors come in. Please send all the prayers you can up for us and help Satan see just how many friends and family we have pulling for the lives of our precious children. And please prayer for all adoptions as well. God bless all of you today

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

11 days to go!!!

I feel very antzie today. Need to chat with someone about my upcoming visit to my kids. Can't seem to catch any one on facebook :o( It is however a very beautiful day today. I am so thankful for that. For the first time in it seems like a long time everyone is feeling well. YIPEE!!!! I can't wait until we can all spend all day outside. I can't believe that in a few days I will be looking into my children's eyes and they will be looking back into mine. It seems unreal.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

16 Days till I make my visit

I am so excited to meet the children. In some ways the time is going to be here before I know it. At the same time it feels like it is never going to get here. Trying to come with things different from what they might do at the orphanage, with out having to use a lot of my space in my bags. A couple things I am doing is taking hair stuff to fix the girls hair. Also, I found the cutest wooden paper doll set from LDT Commodites. Cute little outfits that stay on with magnets. It is nice because we can play dolls and dress them up and yet they will lay flat in the suit case. It is harder for me to come up with anything unique for Liam. Anyone with ideas would be welcome.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Gabgets good if they work

I want to be better at keeping my blog, but getting it set up is a frustrating pain. I have set this countdown gadget six times and it still won't save!! GRRRRR Any way 19 days and counting until I will see my sweet babies. Trying to decide what to take and do with the kids. I don't know what they will have there to do with them. Don't want to use un-needed space in my travel bags. Seems many of the orphanages are pretty well equiped with toy and things.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Saturday 27th 2010

Okay, I have been told that I need to update my blog. I am going to try and do just that. I am not very good at writing anything very interesting. It is always very hard for me to put my feeling into word. We have had many,many ups and downs with this adoption. No need to relive it. The important things is we are finally ready to go and meet our children for the first time. I leave March 2oth for Bulgaria. I am so very excited to meet the kids for the first time and hold them and to look into those beautiful brown eyes.

Such a mixture of emotion. Sorrow and sadness at leaving my family behind her and excitment at see Danielle, Abigail and Liam.

The first step is done. I have tickets bought and have started my list of things to take. Actually I started doing that a long time ago.